Sunday, November 22, 2009

world is a funny place....part two

My photo blog has been a little ignored as of late. I really haven't been shooting much as all my photography attention was towards getting ready for my show and now I have switched professional hats and focused most of my attention on my approaching comprehensive exam deadline.

So to give my photo blog a little love and get my head out of systems thinking, charitable gambling and public health ethics, I thought I would remind myself of how interesting and funny the world can be when you just look around.

One of my fav pictures of all time is this one of Finley on the sink. This shot was actually taken by my sister but really captures the uniqueness of her dog! How he got up there we will never know....but he definitely didn't know how to get himself down.

This ones for you Louise ♥

On a final note, my first photography exhibit at *Hotshot Gallery, Kensington Market has been an incredible experience! On a personal note, having your first exhibit is really exciting because you get to see your work framed and in a gallery, but to have your show as well received as mine has been is so overwhelming and beyond what one could hope for. The support from friends, family and strangers has been truly moving and to everyone I just want to say THANK YOU!!!! I look forward to many more....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

for the love of dogs....

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. ~Phil Pastoret

I love my cottage for a number of reasons, but one of them is that the dogs can just run free and do what dogs do best...swimming, running, eating and a constant form of entertainment for all us humans. This long weekend at the cottage was no exception.

A completely fun post today...a tribute to all the four-legged creatures that bring joy to our hearts and laughter and love to our worlds. I find it so interesting how 3 similar labs can have such significantly different personalities!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

passport required....

I am super excited to announce my upcoming inaugural photo exhibit to showcase my journeys around the globe. Details of the show are as follows:

Show Dates: November 9-16th, 2009

Hotshot Gallery
Kensington Market
181 Augusta Ave.
Toronto, ON
M5T 2L4

*Special thanks to the talented Vanessa Anievas for creating my exhibition cards!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the love story continues....

I am so sad that tomorrow I have to leave this fantastic place :( I honestly think Istanbul is now my favourite city. This city has so much to offer: history, food, spirituality, art/culture, the friendliest people, music....the list can go on. It truly engages every sense. Whether it be waking up at the crack of dawn to the sound of prayer, the sweet smell of roasted corn (that is practically everywhere), the feeling of the old cobblestones under your feet, tasting the spicy kebabs, and just being stunned by the absolute beauty in their architecture and mosques. I could go on forever, but will let the photo's say the rest. Istanbul is truly a photographers dream!

Tesekurler Istanbul....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

drawing with light....

The word "photography" basically means "drawing with light". As most photographers know...light is everything - whether it comes naturally or in a controlled manner. While I love shooting in natural light, I also really want to learn and understand studio lighting. For when studio lighting is done well, it is an art form all unto itself.

I had a last minute opportunity to play around with lighting in a studio and it was great!

Stay blog post comes to you live from Istanbul, Turkey!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I ♥ New York City ....

love. grit. laugh. walk. soul
peace. seek. jazz. art. heart. wine. shoot
books. shop. friends. eat. love

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the world is a funny place....

Creativity is about the lens we choose to see the world through. It is not about the talent that a person may or may not possess. It is about how we express ourselves and our reactions to funny and interesting things.

I think as we get older we tend to forget about "play", "fun" and "creativity" because we think that if something isn't "good" or "perfect" it is not worth doing. As adults I think we have a lot to learn from kids!

I have decided that I am going to make this theme a recurring one on my blog as a reminder about how we are constantly surrounded by funny, creative and interesting people, places and things. It is also a great reminder to always carry a camera...even if it is a little point & shoot! You just never know....

Friday, August 14, 2009

the naked truth...

I love the high that you get after coming off of a fantastic shoot! The feeling of knowing you have some great shots that you just can't wait to get home and process. That was me on Wednesday night...

I often get asked...why nudes? Without hesitation people can tell you the parts of their bodies that they dislike (myself included). Rarely, do individuals get an opportunity to highlight the aspects of their bodies that they love. For me, nude photography is about empowerment and the celebration of the beauty that is the human landscape.

It is about grabbing the audiences attention through light & shadows to making them smile, think, dream and simply take pleasure in the image. It is about connecting the body & mind and telling a story.

It is about tastefully going beyond the naked body and finding inspiration in the sensual, the sexual and the mystery. Whether the photos are shared to the world or just for the individual, shooting artistic nudes allows for the opportunity to co-create an intimate & empowering opportunity to redefine true beauty! For more pics from this great shoot, check out