Tuesday, July 28, 2009

confessions of a travel addict....

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am addicted to traveling!

My philosophy in life is pretty simple: explore, dream & discover! There is a huge world out there and I have only begun to scratch the surface. The count-down to my next adventure has begun. I am just giddy with excitement for my camera and I to head off to Istanbul in 8 weeks.

This time last year I was exploring Greece...absolutely amazing country! Highly recommend it if you can go. Have spent some time reprocessing some Greece shots, these two were both taken in Oia, on the Island of Santorini. Picture perfect!!! For more of my travel adventure pics check out www.jenniferreynolds.ca

Saturday, July 25, 2009

the world is watching....

For those of you who know me, know that I have always had a fascination with Iran. Not the Iran that western media depicts but the Iran of the people - their land, art, music, literature, and loyalty. I have been lucky to know some great Iranians and so today I went to show my support at the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran.

The late Jonathon Mann theorized that public health, ethics and human rights are integrally linked and paramount for human well-being and dignity. He felt that people could not be healthy if governments did not respect people's rights, dignity and freedoms. Today people around the world, Iranians and non came together to show support & unity and to stand up against human rights violations.

Change may not happen immediately, but I am hopeful it will come if we persevere. Through the recent power of social networking sites, we have the power to change human consciousness. To decide what type of world we want to live in and the type of people we want to be.

Jian Ghomeshi gave a powerful and motivating speech to the crowd. Let's hope that the power of the collective voice made an impact today.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

mixing it up...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE shooting nude photography!

Have decided lately to shake things up and begin experimenting with mixed media - some acrylic paints, textured paper and some of my favourite nude shots. I am thinking that this could go either one of two ways: really cool, or miserably bad.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

the journely begins....

Welcome to my photoblog!

Following the exciting launch of my photography website (www.jenniferreynolds.ca) I have decided to include a photoblog that will document my latest photo-adventures, highlight links and articles that have made an impression on me, in addition to documenting random thoughts and experiences captured through my lens.

While this photo is not a new one, I found it most fitting for my journey ahead. I will be trying to post on a biweekly basis, if not weekly or more if work and school allow. However, for those who know me, they know I can have a tendency to procrastinate, so chances are this blog will be updated more frequently ;) Hope you enjoy.......