grati.tude/noun the feeling of being grateful or the desire to express one's thanks. [French gratitude or medieval Latin gratitudo from gratus thankful] - Canadian Oxford Dictionary.
I had originally thought that to mark the one month passing of Cayman, I would dedicate a blog to all the great memories that he has instilled in me over the past 12 years. However, the best laid plans can always change. So instead, I am blogging about gratitude and in particular my Daily Expressions of Gratitude project that I have been working on in the popular Instagram application. I can't believe it, but today will be day 86 (only 279 days to go)!
I have always loved the idea of journaling, but when it comes to practicing it, have never enjoyed it. Gratitude journals are not new, and after having read The Happiness Project, I was inspired to figure out a way to give thanks for all the things in my life (big & small), in a way that made sense to me, and in a way that I enjoyed - photography! live in an illuminated city with arts & creativity.
Life is always going to be filled with pain, sadness, joy, jealousy, pride, passion and a slew of other fantastic emotions. It is whats makes life meaningful. Cayman may not be in my day-to-day life anymore, but the past 12 years of uncountable memories will always be. And I will be eternally grateful for that!
Hi Jen
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time so I'm not sure how your memory will see this but it's Chris the Aussie who lived in Toronto in 2002-2006. I remember we shared some really special moments. I saw you on linkedin then came to this blog. I am so so very sad about Cayman - I remember him so clearly in your beautiful abode. I hope you are doing ok since his passing. Your blog is very special, very inspiring and beautiful. I think about Toronto a lot. It's like my second home. I got married to a Toronto girl and we have a little boy. We are living back in Melbourne now. Anyway, I will connect with you on linkedin. Cheers, Chris.
Sorry to hear about Cayman. I still remember him pissing on my chair. He was a character! I had to put Elle down over a year ago. It was crushing. Having to make that choice was brutal. Yellow labs are so cookie cutter and yet so unique and full of personality! guys are two blasts from the past! My blog has been a bit neglected as of late.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nice messages, Cayman definitely is missed but I am happy to know how many lives he touched in his time with me. Hope you are both doing well.